Looking For The Best Adjustable Laptop Stand
Finding the Best Adjustable Laptop Stand I have a friend who is looking for the best adjustable laptop stand at the best price on Amazon. She found several versions of the same basic model and asked my advice about which one…
Natural Non-Toxic Wood Finishes
You probably already know my fetish about doing things as naturally as possible. So I was looking for a natural non-toxic wood finish to go along with the natural non-toxic wood stain that I am using for my daughters sign. The…
How to Replace a Bathroom Sink and Faucet In 30 Minutes for Less Than $100 Dollars
How to replace your bathroom sink, quickly and cheap.
DIY Non-Toxic Wood Stains
Are you looking for a DIY wood stain that is natural and non-toxic? I love natural non-toxic alternatives for those nasty shelf bought products that compromise our health and environment. So when my daughter asked me to make her a wooden…
How To Setup Email in cPanel
Setting up Email Accounts in cPanel This is part of my Beginners Series on Building a Website If you are building a new website, you probably need and/or want at least a few email addresses associated with your new website. It…
Website Still In Progress
This website is still under construction. Just like a construction zone, it is not very pretty to look at yet. You may look around if you like, but please come back later for the real thing.
Installing WordPress Without WordPress in the URL
I wanted to get the website up quickly, so I decided to use WordPress and make it as secure as possible. I later intend to build a website from scratch or possibly use Drupal (which is similar to WordPress but more…